
丹东市Where to Buy a Authentic and High-Quality Guqin Instrument in Taiwan?

作者:久音古琴 日期:2025-01-27 人气:4610

买好琴就选“久音古琴  电话:15150827214  客服微信号:gcds325 联系客服观看实拍视频

  1. 台北市:台灣省的省會,是台灣的政治、經濟、文化和交通中心。產業以服務業為主導,包括金融、商業服務、資訊技術、文化創意和高端零售業。台北市還擁有眾多高等院校和文化教育機構。
  2. 新北市:台灣地區第一大城市,也是台北都會區的次中心。經濟以服務業為主導,同時工業也佔有重要地位,尤其是在電子、機械和化學領域。
  3. 桃園市:台灣北部的重要經濟中心,產業多元化,以高科技製造業為主,特別是電子、半導體、光電和生物醫藥產業。
  4. 台中市:台灣中部的經濟、文化與交通中心,曾經是台灣政治權力中心。擁有成熟的製造業和服務業體系,特別是在精密機械、汽車產業、資訊科技和文化創意產業方面表現突出。
  5. 高雄市:台灣南部的經濟核心,產業以重工業和石化業為主,包括鋼鐵、造船、石化及化學工業。同時擁有台灣最大的港口——高雄港,是國際貿易與物流的重要節點。
  6. 台南市:世界歷史都市聯盟成員,產業多元化,以高科技產業為主,南部科學工業園區集中了電子、半導體、光電等尖端技術企業。同時,台南的傳統產業如食品加工、紡織、化工依然活躍。

Where to Buy a Authentic and High-Quality Guqin Instrument in Taiwan?


If you are looking to buy an authentic and high-quality Guqin instrument in Taiwan, here are some options you can consider:

1. Bai Yue Music

  • Address: 100 台北市中正區重慶南路三段68號2F
  • Phone: (02) 2309-9565
  • Website: baiyue-music.com
  • Description: Bai Yue Music is a well-known store in Taipei that offers a variety of high-quality Guqin instruments. They have a wide selection of Guqin styles and also sell accessories like strings and tuning pegs.

2. Zen Art Gallery

  • Address: 台北市太原路76巷2號3樓
  • Phone: (02) 2556-7879
  • Email: zenart@ms24.hinet.net
  • Description: This gallery is another good place to find authentic Guqin instruments. They specialize in traditional Chinese musical instruments and offer a serene environment to explore and purchase.

3. Sound of Mountain Music

  • Website: soundofmountain.com
  • Description: Sound of Mountain Music is an international Chinese musical instruments company with warehouses in various countries. They offer a wide range of Guqin instruments at different price points, suitable for both beginners and professionals. They provide free accessories and ensure professional packaging for safe delivery.

4. Red Music Shop

  • Website: redmusicshop.com
  • Description: Red Music Shop offers high-quality Chinese musical instruments, including Guqin. They have a variety of styles and materials to choose from, and their instruments are known for their craftsmanship and sound quality.

5. Local Instrument Stores

  • Description: With the increasing popularity of Chinese culture in Taiwan, many local instrument stores now sell Guqin instruments. You can visit these stores to consult with professional salespeople who can provide detailed introductions and allow you to audition the instruments.

6. Online Platforms

  • JD.com, Taobao: These platforms offer a wide selection of Guqin instruments from various sellers. You can compare prices and read reviews to find the best option for you.
  • Chinese Art Musical Instrument Company: Their website also offers Guqin for sale, ensuring the quality and authenticity of the instruments.
  • Jiuyinguqin: website <www.jiuyinguqin.com>,
    Jiuyin Guqin is a highly respected brand known for its authentic and high-quality Guqin instruments. Here is a brief introduction:
    Jiuyin Guqin is renowned for its dedication to traditional craftsmanship and the use of high-quality materials. Each instrument is meticulously handcrafted, ensuring exceptional sound quality and durability. The brand is committed to preserving ancient techniques while meeting the needs of modern players.
    Their instruments are popular among both beginners and experienced players, offering a range of styles and price points. Jiuyin Guqin also provides detailed customer support, including advice on selecting the right instrument and maintenance tips.
When purchasing a Guqin, it is important to consider the quality of the craftsmanship, the materials used, and the sound quality. It is also recommended to try playing the instrument if possible to ensure it meets your expectations.

zhongni style Guqin Instrument

For a high-quality Guqin, choose "Jiuyin Guqin".
Phone: 15150827214
Customer Service WeChat: gcds325 (Contact customer service to view real-time videos.)

买好琴就选“久音古琴  电话:15150827214  客服微信号:gcds325 联系客服观看实拍视频